"We're here...again."

Films: Poltergeist (2015)

Alias: None

Type: Mystical

Location: Haunted Home

Height/Weight: Indescribable.

Affiliation: Neutral

Summary: In the 80s, Steven Spielberg gave us perhaps one of the most terrifying fights between a suburban family and the forces of the other side. It was a thrill so horrific that it spawned urban legends about it cursing the cast to die afterwards. Surely, no one so dense would try to recapture its essence minus much of the effort...oh, look at that, they tried to remake it. Joy.

History: The story is as you remember it mostly. A house was built on a burial ground and no one bothered to remove the bodies. Hence, the place is crawling with angry poltergeists seeking a means of getting out of their dimension, implied to be Hell, and to the Heavens. They need a psychic to do it, and the daughter of a recently moved-in family fits the bill. With her captured and the poltergeists running rampant, her parents and siblings are pulling all the stops to save her.

Notable Kills: None.

Final Fate: After seemingly rescuing their daughter, the family is once again menaced before the psychic they hired willingly offers himself to them. Placated, the spirits ascend in a pillar of light, obliterating the house. Then it turns out that they spared that psychic anyway, implying the little girl was in no harm to begin with.

Powers/Abilities: Manipulation of reality, possession, communication through technology.

Weakness: If they find that psychic and use him or her, they will leave.

Scariness Factor: 3.5-There are times where these ghosts do indeed pull off some impressive scares. Nearly drilling a guy and reaching out with hundreds of hands at another point, they can be quite unnerving. Sadly, a lot of this is undone by so-and-so CGI, as well as the fact that they weren't actually going to keep whatever psychic they used. That's not a bad deal, all things considered.

Trivia: -Just about every practical prop was sold to a fan in England before the film got into theaters. Good for them, we guess.

-The house in Toronto they did this is was apparently actually said to be haunted. So, points for authenticity. At least the cast of this film didn't perish one way or another soon afterward.

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What are we afraid of? More mediocre remakes.

GAH! Micheal Jackson possessed this kid!
New...vision...I need aspirin.

"We all FLIIING down here!"
They just like losing subtlety.
Day of the Dead....Remake.
